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As everything is based on writing during academic years, it is very essential to encourage good writing skills among students. Writing is somewhat a complex skill which is needed during the school education but it also holds significance during the later stages of life so enhancing the writing skills can automatically help students do better at everything, including, essays, assignments, exams and so on.
Even it is completely impossible to work or improve skills without working hard and having a desire to make progress. Teachers can get involved and make huge differences in the learning. Follow these tips and notice great improvements in writing skills of your students.

1. ENCOURAGE GOOD WRITING Teachers expect good results, but most of the time they lack the skill to ask for it. Ask for the performance and motivate your students in order to motivate them. Provide reward to the students performing well and stress on the fact that good, thoughtful, and clear writing will be greatly rewarded. It is one such activity that can be help in generating interest on the first hand and secondly this also helps the students in evaluating their performances.

2. PROVIDE INSTRUCTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WRITING PROCESS By providing instructions we mean the general specific tips and tricks for a right start and approach to a specific type of essay or writing piece. Provide the students with a starting point which includes some clear and concise outlines before going through a writing piece. Show the students some techniques that will help them save time and energy. Practicing such approach will provide enough time to work on their assignments and because of that the students will significantly bring good writing skills.

3. WORK ON YOUR STUDENT’S MINDSET Every student is different from the other and it is the responsibility on the teacher’s end that every child get a teaching experience that suits them best. Stating clear rules and expectations may not work for every student of yours. In that case you can take the lighter path and make them aware that how working on this particular skill can help them grab better opportunities in later life also can mention that how writing can help them think better, connect things easier, and ultimately make their life easier in so many aspects.

4. HAVE YOUR STUDENTS READ A LOT It is a well known fact that good writing skills can only be acquired when you have hands on lots of reading material. Make your students aware of this fact and further help them include this as a necessary habit or hobby. The best way to make it easier for them is to give students clear instructions regarding reading materials. For example, you can provide them with a list of books, articles and essays. In doing so, gradually you will see great improvements when it comes to their vocabulary, sentence structure, and the overall outlook to the content.

5. PROVIDE HELPFUL FEEDBACK Teachers have to take initiative and provide some sort of feedback after every activity their students indulge into. Moreover your feedback should contain some quality tips and corrections for the students to improve. Teachers have a great deal of knowledge as compared to other fellow students and this particular information should be brought to use with a quality feedback. Being the best cbse school in Dehradun, Doon world school provides better opportunities to all the students to grow individually and with the tips mentioned above we believe an overall teaching strategies as such can help.

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