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top day school in Dehradun


When it comes to young school students, we often notice that when they are in a growing period, they admire, follow and even adulate people elder than them whom we call as role models. These role models keep changing with age and as their needs, choices, lifestyle,and way of thinking changes. It can be anyone like their siblings, parents, teachers, sportsmen, leaders, and celebrities, etc. Intentionally or unintentionally, students get influenced by people whom they really like. Doon World School not only concentrate on their students’ acedmic and sports performances but they focus on their students personal grooming as well. This school is one of the best 12th class CBSE School in Dehradun. Here, the teachers try to teach students about having a role model in one’s life. They helps you to know yourself in a better way. You get to do introspection that what we want to be when we are grown up. One of the most important part while choosing a role model is that if it will influence us in a positive or a negative way. Choosing a positive role model will not only motivate us and help us in over coming our weaknesses but it will lead our minds in a positive direction as well. It willinspire us to do ourbest and get a successful life. And this is what teachers in this school teach students. And this makes their school one of the best school in Dehradun. One must know that life is not just about our achievements, standards and getting a luxurious life but it is also important to become a good human. This happens when we grasp good habits, positive thoughts and try to mimic our role models when they do something good and it encourages you to aspire to greatness. Listening to a positive role model gives you a different perspective when you are trapped in real time problems. Eventually, these role models provide you with answers to your problems.

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