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winter break activities for students

Fun-Learning Winter Break Activities for Kids That Are Sure to Keep Them Busy

With the holidays coming up, students and teachers of the best CBSE school in Dehradun will be taking some time off from studying for a few weeks. Parents, on the other hand, maybe questioning if that gap in learning is such a good thing.

According to research, most youngsters lose around two months’ worth of math skills during the summer whereas reading abilities have also been demonstrated to deteriorate.

While a two- or three-week vacation in December may not have the same impact as three months of summer vacation, some parents may remain concerned.

So for parents seeking out educational winter break activities for students during the Christmas break, we’ve compiled a list and double-checked it. This list will keep your youngster sharp.

Read For Fun

Reading is one of the most effective methods to connect with your child. Snuggling up with a good book offers important quiet time in an otherwise fast-paced environment.

While you and your child take turns reading to each other over the holidays, bear in mind that vital brain growth is taking place. Reading exercises the brain in the same way that going for a run promotes cardiovascular health.

So make time to read good old-fashioned paper books—after all, studies suggest that reading on screens can reduce reading time by up to 20-30%.

Bake Together

The holidays call for both sweet and savory delights. Take advantage of great winter dishes while also engaging in some math and science!

Encourage your youngster to help bake some cookies but double or treble the recipe to teach measuring. Discuss the ways you may use to make a cake-like or chewy cookie as well as how science works within the heated oven walls.

When it’s time to serve a slice of chocolate cake or pecan pie, use fractions to determine how much is left over for tomorrow.

Write Thank-You Notes and Seasonal Greeting Cards

Do you and your family send out seasonal greeting cards?

Or perhaps your youngster want to express gratitude to an online school teacher.

Keep your child writing even after their schoolwork is over! Winter break is an excellent opportunity to improve your penmanship and vocabulary.

Not only will your child gain experience with the format and tone of a letter but he or she will also be able to accompany you to the post office.

This way your youngster will witness firsthand how a letter is weighed, stamped, authorized and sent to its intended recipient!

Visit a Museum

At times when it’s too chilly or damp to play outside, kids may develop cabin fever.

In such times, it’s best to take your youngster to a natural history museum, aquarium or zoo in your area.

Making time for these visits during the school year is difficult but winter break allows for such trips to happen plus they are enjoyable, enlightening and informative for the entire family.

Continue To Be Active

If you live in a chilly environment, it may be tempting to curl up with a bowl of popcorn and Netflix. While this might be a pleasant way to spend time with family, excessive physical inactivity is harmful to the body.

To resist this temptation, fold your blankets, put your slippers away and start moving! Encourage your children to try yoga, Wii Fit, bowling, dance or other beneficial exercise activities.

Exercise has several advantages for children, including the maintenance of strong bones, muscles and joints. Children who exercise enhance the quality and amount of their sleep which means they will be ready to return to school when classes resume.

Make Your Own Holiday Presents

A handcrafted present has great importance which is why it’s best to gather some craft items which should include markers, glue, pipe cleaners, glitter and scissors.

As a parent, you should also allow your children to look around the kitchen for additional materials. Macaroni, marshmallows, graham crackers and candy canes are all excellent choices for homemade Christmas presents.

As your child begins to put together a new project, you may relax knowing that his or her imagination is also working hard!

Wrapping Up

The holidays are a revitalizing time of year because they allow us to create new memories and follow traditions. However, for parents and families worried about the learning gap, there are several solutions to keep children on track.

With these amazing winter break activities for students, you can be sure that your child remains on the path of learning.

Whether they are exploring nature, expressing their creativity or enjoying outdoor experiences, these activities will keep kids amused and make the school vacations unforgettable.

So prepare for fun-filled days with your children and make treasured memories together.

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