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5 Steps for parental control on phubbing.

Technology is an innovation which has various pros and cons. Now, days children are more busy surfing the internet on phones or computers which is harming their lifestyle. Through this blog, the best CBSE school in Dehradun, Doon World School has taken an initiative to aware parents of how they can control phubbing. The saddest part of phubbing is that hurt and distraction go both ways.

Some important steps are advised by Doon World School, the top CBSE day boarding school in Dehradun to avoid phubbing by children:

Set proper time: Setting adequate time allows parents to keep track of children and they can restrict their amount of time spending on gadgets. Don’t allow children to use gadgets when the time limit exceeds. Maintain strictness about the time deadline.

Encourage playtime: Encourage children to play physical games rather than video or online games. Physical games will boost the energy level of your child and will benefit their health. Make offline play a priority.

Institute No tech-hour: Likewise setting adequate time for using gadgets, the no-tech hour must be instituted for children as well as other family members. Utilize this hour as family time in an effective way. For the language development of children, two-way communication is really important.

Be an exemplary: Children are great observers and they mimic the habits of parents. Parents must limit their use of gadgets when around their children. Spend more time interacting, playing, and laughing with your children rather than spending time on a screen.

Active Supervision: While spending time on gadgets children don’t pay much attention to their posture, screen brightness, or screen distance from eyes which could harm their health. Always keep an eye when your child is surfing the internet because sometimes adult content can appear as pop-ups. Get co-engage with your child on screen and involve them in learning and curious interactions. Therefore monitoring children is important.

Being the best CBSE daycare school in Dehradun, Doon World School understands the importance of discussing such matters too. So, the top CBSE school in Dehradun tries the best to make the parents aware of such topics as well.

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