If people are asked they like to study maths or not, most will answer that they hate studying maths. It is a kind of subject which you can spend hours studying but end up with not understanding enough. But, maths is not as dreadful or difficult as it sounds. We have some techniques for studying maths. You must have heard a lot from some students that learning maths is easier than it seems. It is because they know techniques and formulas to solve problems.
1) Keep practicing: Maths is not something that you can just read and remember. You have to understand concepts because each problem has its own characteristics. You need to solve a lot of mathematics problems and you will be well-practiced by the time exam arrives.
2) Recheck errors: When you are solving problems, it is important to go through all the steps for each solution and review mistakes that you have made any. To become strong in maths, you need to understand how you approached the problem and where you went wrong. This way you avoid the same mistakes in the future.
3) Solve examples: When you start a chapter, always start with simple examples and make sure that you are not looking at the answers beforehand. Check if you get all the steps right. Don’t jump directly to complex and difficult exercise problems because getting wrong answers will disappoint you and it can lead you to the conclusion that maths is hard.
4) Master the key concepts: Maths is fun if you understand the process, key concepts and logic. Understand the problem first before solving it.
5) Clear doubts: It is understood that sometimes you can get stuck solving problems and find it difficult to move to the next problem. Don’t ever skip doubts and jump to the next problem. Get your doubts cleared as soon as they occur.
6) It’s important to learn formulas as all the formulas are applied to all the questions.
7) Last but not least, practicing with concentration is very important. Learn basics and make a strong foundation.
Teachers In Doon World School don’t let students cramming up things without understanding but make sure they understand the techniques as well. This helps students in solving problems properly. This makes it one of the top schools in Dehradun.