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outdoor and indoor activities in summer

Exciting Outdoor & Indoor Activities for Students This Summer

Whether it’s a rainy day or a sunny afternoon, keeping your children drawn and involved is always important. Finding new activities might help them avoid boredom and boost their creativity and enthusiasm for learning. For this reason, our blog post sheds light on outdoor & indoor activities in summer for students to ensure that they have a great time while learning and growing. 

Active Outdoor Activities in Summer

Playful Time at the Pool or Beach 

Water-based activities are great for strengthening your body. Whether by swimming in the pool or by enjoying beach activities, your children are exercising, stretching, and increasing stamina without even realizing it!

It also helps to keep you cool on hot days and teaches crucial water safety skills. 


Why not let your children host a sleepover in summer vacations? By hosting a sleepover, not only will they exercise independence but also improve their social skills.

Planning activities and maintaining a small guest list teaches students responsibility while having a lot of fun in a safe atmosphere.

Summer Camps 

Summer camps are ideal for discovering new interests and establishing lifetime relationships. These programs offer organized chances for your children to explore new activities while also learning collaboration and resilience. 

Plus, they return with stories that you’ll hear about all year! 

Family Outings

Plan a day of excursions to dog parks, libraries, and museums, or even volunteer at a community center. These trips educate your children on empathy, culture and history. 

Volunteering, in particular, may foster a feeling of community and the delight of assisting others, therefore boosting their emotional development. 

Dance or Music Classes

During this summer, enroll your children in dancing or music courses to encourage their artistic abilities. These exercises not merely teach steps or notes but encourage physical coordination, discipline and cultural appreciation.

Creative Indoor Activities in Summer

Art and Craft Projects

Art and Craft stand out as one of the greatest indoor activities in summer, particularly favored among kids during the season.

Children and creative activities have long been related. From unique craft ideas like paper quilling and do-it-yourself projects to modern art forms like finger painting and blow painting, the world is your oyster. 

Baking & Cooking Together

Get ready for some messy (but tasty!) fun in the kitchen with your youngster! 

Baking cookies or decorating cupcakes together fosters enjoyment and collaboration. They will acquire important life skills such as measuring and following directions. 

Plus, the delicious goodies are a plus! 

Family Game Night

It’s game on! Gather your family and children’s friends for a gaming night of fun and friendly rivalry. Board games teach turn-taking and strategy, whilst video games improve hand-eye coordination (choose age-appropriate alternatives!).


Cuddle up with a vivid children’s book and have a beautiful journey together. 

Reading aloud improves your child’s vocabulary and fosters a love of reading. 

So allow them to select the story and take turns doing crazy voices for the characters – it’s the perfect bonding activity!

Pottery Making 

Looking for a unique experience and enjoyable activities for children? Why not try your hand at pottery-making? Many community centers provide programs specifically for children, making it simple to get started. 

Molding clay into a masterpiece helps your child develop hand-eye coordination and patience. It’s a fun, hands-on approach to interacting with nature and expressing creativity.

Plus, nothing beats the sense of accomplishment they’ll have while utilizing or exhibiting their own handcrafted piece. 


To sum up, it is evident how important these experiences are — not only for their growth but also for spending quality time with family. Engaging directly and actively in your children’s activities may significantly improve the quality of your time together. Always guarantee that study and enjoyment go hand in hand.

Remember, every puzzle solved, ball thrown and tale recounted provides a foundation for their future. 

If you’re still looking for additional methods to keep your youngster interested this summer then contact our teachers at Doon World School to see how different activities for kids can help them develop, learn, and have a blast all at the same time!

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