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“If you are not listening, you are not learning.”

Assumptions are made many times about listening that it’s an inherent talent when the truth is it’s a skill that can be built and worked upon with consistent effort and practice. At Doon world School, a CBSE school in Dehradun, we focus on forging the good listening skills of our students. Because the key to gaining knowledge is listening.

This skill is important in a student’s life both in learning and day-to-day communication.

Listening is a part of communication skills and it is quite similar to throwing and catching a ball.

You receive information by listening and then you reply accordingly which requires focus.

In the classroom, a student who listens properly always excel academically and that’s their secret.

Listening is much more important than speaking. Once a Greek philosopher Diogenes said, ‘We have two ears and one tongue so to listen more and talk less.’

This simply implies the significance of listening skills.

In this article, we will give you few tips to hone your listening skills that are taught to students at the top CBSE school in Dehradun for personal development and learning.

1- Avoid these three things to become a better listener.

–      While in the classroom setting don’t drift away with your imagination and avoid daydreaming. It results in distraction.

–      Stop judging while the other person is still speaking. It is a normal process of our mind that starts judging a situation we are listening to and distracts us. analyse the situation once you are finished listening.

–      Another bad habit is to predict what the other person is saying before they are done talking. Listen patiently and then reply. This is one of the vital learning students must take away from this article.

2- Take notice of what your mind does while you’re listening to someone and have to reply. Often, we start rehearsing the sentence we are about to speak in our head which takes our mind off what the person is saying in front of us.

3- Use reflective phrases like ‘you said that…’ to interpret the takeaways you had from a class or a person. This helps you to remember what you were listening to.

4- Listen to people actively, when you are taking classes listen to the teacher and take notes.

5- Take interest in what the others are saying and be prepared to tell your own opinion. This makes any student a good listener. The debates and elocution that we conduct at our CBSE school in Dehradun are majorly based on listening.

These are few tips we have for you to become a good listener, once you become a good listener many other areas of your academics will improve remarkably. A crucial factor is an education you get during your growth years that defines the kind of listener you’d become, so, enrol in the best CBSE school in Dehradun right from the start.

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