The best affordable CBSE school in Dehradun also organizes such activities along with the regular curriculum of the academics. This not only enhances the all-around development of the child at an early age but also creates the interest in him/her to carry on these activities in later years, even after learning school. We believe ‘Learning is pleasurable but doing is the height of enjoyment’. This makes us the best CBSE day care boarding School in Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
School offers number of activities such as:-

- School Picnic for all students
- Story Telling
- English Elocution
- Collage making
- Dance Competition
- Rakhi Making
- Drawing Competition
- Fancy Dress Competition
- Card Making
- Quiz Competition
- Hindi Elocution

- Rangoli Competition
- Exhibition ( Art & Craft)
- Hand Writing Competition
- Class Parties
- Special assembly on various occassions
- Puppet Show
- Horse Riding
- Art and Craft
- Functions and Celebrations
- Sports and Outdoor activities