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11 Monsoon Tips Students

11 Monsoon Tips Students Need to Stay Safe

The monsoon season brings much-needed relief from the summer heat but also poses various health & safety risks, especially for students who commute to school & engage in outdoor activities. From waterlogged roads to the increased spread of infections, students need to be vigilant & take necessary precautions to stay safe & healthy during this rainy season. With that being said, here are eleven essential monsoon safety tips to help students navigate this time of year safely. 

1. Carry an Umbrella & Raincoat

Always carry an umbrella & a raincoat to stay dry during unexpected downpours. Keeping these items handy ensures that students can protect themselves from getting wet, which can help prevent colds & other illnesses caused by exposure to rain.

2. Wear Waterproof Shoes

Investing in a good pair of waterproof shoes or rain boots is crucial during the monsoon. These shoes help keep feet dry & prevent slipping on wet surfaces. Additionally, they protect feet from infections caused by dirty, stagnant water. 

3. Avoid Waterlogged Areas

Try to avoid walking through waterlogged areas, as they can be breeding grounds for bacteria & viruses. Stagnant water can also hide hazards like sharp objects or open manholes, posing serious risks. 

4. Stay Hydrated

Even though it’s cooler during monsoon, it’s still important to stay hydrated. Hence drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your immune system strong & prevent dehydration, which can still occur during the monsoon season.

5. Use Hand Sanitizer

With the increased spread of germs during the monsoon, using hand sanitizer frequently can help prevent infections. Hence make sure to sanitize your hands after touching surfaces & before eating.

6. Eat Home-Cooked Food

To avoid foodborne illnesses, students should eat home-cooked meals whenever possible. Street food & improperly stored food can easily get contaminated during the monsoon, leading to stomach infections & food poisoning.

7. Keep Insects at Bay

Monsoon season often leads to an increase in mosquito breeding, hence make sure to use mosquito repellents, wear long sleeves & install mosquito nets at home to protect against mosquito-borne diseases like dengue & malaria.

8. Dry Off Quickly

If students get wet in the rain, they should dry off as quickly as possible. Staying in wet clothes can lower body temperature & increase the risk of catching a cold or developing a skin infection.

9. Maintain Good Hygiene

Maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial during the monsoon, hence make sure to practice healthy habits such as regularly washing hands, taking showers & keeping surroundings clean as they can help prevent the spread of germs & keep students healthy.

10. Be Cautious on Wet Roads

Wet & slippery roads can be dangerous and so students should walk carefully to avoid slipping & falling. If in case students are biking or taking public transport then extra caution should be taken to avoid accidents.

11. Boost Immunity

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins & minerals can help boost the immune system. Including fruits like oranges, guavas & other vitamin C-rich foods can help students stay resilient against infections.

Final Thoughts

The monsoon season can be both enjoyable & challenging, however by following these safety tips, students can protect themselves from common health issues & accidents associated with the rainy season. All these monsoon safety tips are simple yet effective ways to stay safe. At Doon World School, the safety & well-being of students are top priorities. That’s why the school takes active precautionary measures to create a safe & nurturing environment for all its students, even during challenging weather conditions.

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