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Smart Money, Smarter Kids

‘The art is not in making money but keeping it’- These lines remind us of the good old days when we collected coins to keep them safely in our piggy bank and the amount of happiness that we derived when the piggy bank got heavy. It is unfortunate that today the concept of saving money has to be taught to young kids. Back in time, we all were probably inclined to do it ourselves. On behalf of the Doon World School which is amongst the best and affordable CBSE School in Dehradun, would like to give a few tips to parents about how they can build a strong foundation by teaching their kids the value of money.

1) Transparent piggy jar

One of the oldest methods to which we have grown up with is the piggy bank. But make sure you provide a transparent jar that gives a clear visual to kids to understand how much they have been able to save. You can always discuss with them about the ways and means by which the money can keep growing.

2) Your kids follow you

Young minds are fragile. So it is very important for us to know what picture to show. It is necessary to set an example before your kids as they tend to follow you and observe the way you handle money. They will notice you arguing with your spouse on financial matters and on the other hand, they will also watch you spend lavishly on your desires. Doon World School is also referred to as one of the affordable CBSE schools in Dehradun because we don’t believe in focusing on the fancy display of school infrastructure but rather believe in keeping our head towards the sky and foot on the ground. This makes our school the top CBSE School in Dehradun.

3) You need to pay a price for everything

Kids nowadays believe in what they see and not in what you tend to make them understand. All you can do is tell them the toy costs Rs. 200/-, let them remove the money from the piggy jar, accompany you to the shop and let them hand over the money to the cashier after the purchase. This simple action will be more effective than your lecture.

4) Teach them to give

Once your child starts making more money, it is time to teach the art of giving. Teach them sharing, helping, they can donate some amount to a charity or maybe someone they know who needs help. Eventually, they will realize how giving brings a change in the life of the giver and the person they have helped. At Doon World School, we teach our children the value of sharing what you have and make them believe the value of inner peace.

5) Teach them contentment

Protect them from the comparison trap. Children these days have wide exposure, accessing social media invites a lot of temptations and usually, children tend to compare with what they have and what they see. Contentment starts from within, your child needs to understand the value of what they have and be content with it. As parents, you need to make them realize that everything they see cannot be brought home unless the old stuff is working well and is not in a state to be disposed of.

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